Intelligent system for passenger profile and screening investigation

Intelligent system for passenger profile and screening investigation


On 28/12/2017 Lazio Region approved a grant for the research project “Intelligent system for passenger profile and screening investigation” in line with the issue of airport security in accordance with the Passenger Name Record (PNR) directive implemented by the LIBE Commission (civil liberties) of the European Parliament on July 15 2016


The objective of the project is to create an intelligent pre-screening system based on BIG DATA architectures for the control of air transport passengers with the aim of increasing the levels of anti-terrorism security.

The system will be based on what is known as a Passenger Name Record, often abbreviated to PNR.

PNRs are compiled by travel agencies, air carriers and tour operators, and contain information such as medical conditions and disabilities, meal preferences, means of payment, but also work address, email address, IP address if booking online and the personal information of emergency contacts.

This information is stored in a BIG DATA (Hadoop) architecture that is able to analyze it through Machine Learning algorithms using suitably engineered behavioural models that analyze PNR with data archives, black-lists made available by government agencies and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) available on the internet (websites, blogs, social networks, media, search engines, etc.).

This processing, made reliable and efficient thanks to the distributed computing architecture characteristic of the Hadoop architecture, allows a terrorism “risk score” to be assigned to the person in real time.


The results of the project are the research and development of a prototype platform that is able to support the operators assigned to the control of an airport site in identifying – in real time – people classed as having a degree of risk based on the score calculated through Machine Learning algorithms.


The project was awarded a grant of a non-repayable sum of 252,831.77 euros from the resources of the Public Notice “AEROSPACE AND SAFETY” – POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2010 (


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