Cyber security
A hospital picks hn security to verify the network architecture
Cyber security
A fintech picks hn security to certify his security
Cyber security
A payments provider picks hn security to secure his app
Cyber security
An american company partners hn security to work togheter
An automotive group bank picks Isiway to create a one company data vision
A fintech company picks hn blockchain to integrate siachain with R3 network
Retail & Consumer Products
A omnichannel store picks hn maticanet to develop a tailor made crm
Application & Logistics
A public institute picks hn digee to develop a smart process application
A center of excellence in transplant picks isiway to move in cloud oracle
Application & Logistics
An insurance company picks hn digee to manage its acounts receivable processes
Air trasportation
An airport management company picks Isiway to improve user experience
Application & Logistics
A bank picks hn maticanet to build a product portfolio management solution
Application & Logistics
A telematics company picks isiway to rationalize the data lake costs
Application & Logistics
An italian sport federation picks hn digee to innovate document processes
A social healthcare company picks isiway to modernize erp process
Financial Services
A bank group picks hn maticanet to build a crm-erp
A pediatric hospital picks isiway to enhance its emergency services