A bank picks hn maticanet to build a product portfolio management solution

Use Case
Application & Logistics

The Challenge

An Italian private Bank group decides to enter the personal loan sector through the credit backed by one-fifth of salary or pension throughout the national territory. To this end, we need a high-level IT product able to guarantee compliance with The Bank of Italy regulations and to manage a network of agents distributed on the national territory with lean, effective processes that can offer very competitive financial products.

The Solution

After a careful software selection, the bank chooses the X5-Moneta product, owned by the Humanativa Group for its powerful commercial management through web interface and APP, the flexibility of configuration and evolution, the high degree of security and its integration with inter-banking systems and third-party services (such as: INPS, Cedacri, MIT etc…)

The Benefits

Customer improve a new business line that permits to consolidate the presence in the sector relating to Loans to Work. Banca del Fucino offers a rich product catalog which, in addition to the financing of the TFS advance – of which Banca del Fucino is the main player on the market – includes the loans guaranteed by the salary / pension (CQS) and Personal Loans.

Humanativa’s role

HUMANATIVA configured and installed X5-Moneta in five months with all the necessary customizations. In addition to standard maintenance, the product is delivered complete with housing management, disaster recovery and AMS systems with SLAs guaranteed by the Bank of Italy regulations.


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